VoiceChat Filters

Filters can be used to block some players from hearing each-other in proximity voicechat

VoiceChat Filters

Control voice communication permissions between players based on various conditions. Filters can restrict who can hear whom beyond simple proximity.

Built-in Filters

Configure these filters in plugins/OpenAudioMc/config.yml


Only allows voice communication between players in the same gamemode

Useful for minigames to prevent communication between players in different states


Only allows communication between players on the same vanilla team

Perfect for team-based minigames to prevent enemy team communication


Excludes players from proximity chat while in a channel

When disabled, players in channels can still interact with nearby players. When enabled, channel members only hear other channel members.

Developer Implementation

Important Considerations

  • Must be lightweight due to frequent calls
  • Filtered pairs receive no voice events or communication
  • No effect on static API peers
  • Runs off main thread - limited Bukkit API access
  • False return blocks connection, true may be overruled by other filters

Example Implementation

Gamemode Filter Example:

VoiceApi.getInstance().addFilterFunction(new CustomPlayerFilter() {
    public boolean isPlayerValidListener(Player listener, Player speaker) {
        return listener.getGameMode() == speaker.getGameMode();

Note: CustomPlayerFilter is a @FunctionalInterface and can be implemented as a lambda

Javadoc related to this feature (currently based on the dev branch)